Urethra & Penile Surgery

What Happens If Urethral Stricture Is Not Treated?

Are you facing frequent urination, and even after that are you unable to empty the bladder? Then the problem will be associated with the narrowing of the urethra which is called urethral stricture. All you need to know about urethral stricture treatment is as follows.

Causes of urethral stricture?

• Urethral instrumentation
• Infections like Gonorrhoea
• Non-infectious urethral inflammation
• Injury to the site

These are the common causes which immediately or in the future may result in urethral stricture.

Related symptoms:

• Weak urinary stream
• Urinary urgency and frequency
• Pain and strain during maturation
• Inability to completely empty the bladder

If individual neglect these signs and symptoms and won’t get treatment at an adequate time then it may result in serious problems.

Complications of urethral stricture:

• Prostatitis
• Urinary retention
• Urethral fistula
• Urinary calculus
• Urinary tract infection
• Periurethral abscess

The other serious problem which may result from an untreated urethral stricture is bilateral hydronephrosis and it may end up in causing renal failure, a medical emergency.

Rate of occurrence in men and women:

Men suffer more from urethral stricture when compared to women. This problem is a rare entity when in women.

Urethral stricture treatment:

The physician usually treats the problem with urethroplasty whenever it’s possible over other surgical treatments. But besides this procedure, there are other steps and treatment aspects concerned in treating the former explained problem. These will depend upon the situation.

If the patient has no problems other than urine urgency and frequency then the catheterization is done to evacuate urine. This may be followed by the dilation procedure. Which is usually done in the recurrent urethral stricture?

Urethroplasty another treatment option where the narrowed part of the urethra is removed and thus enlarging the concerned. The recurrence rate after this procedure is very low.

Stentor permanent catheter implantation is a treatment method but it may further cause bladder irritations.

Endoscopic urethrotomy is another procedure which may result in faster recovery but has chances of recurrence.


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