Premature Ejaculation Treatment- Dr. Gautam Banga

Premature Ejaculation Treatment explained by Dr Gautam Banga

Premature ejaculation treatment is also known as early ejaculation, rapid ejaculation and rapid climax. Premature ejaculation is a situation when men experience orgasm soon after minimal penis stimulation or sexual activity. If you are ejaculating sooner than your partner is expecting it, then your sex life may not be much satisfying, as you desirably want it to be. However, there is no specific time for an ejaculation during sex but if you are having it before an estimated time then there is possibly a situation when you will not be able to erect for some time and that totally ruins the moments you are having with your partner. Premature Ejaculation Treatment is there, expert specialists need to be approached.

Most of the men around the world reported the cause of premature ejaculation as stress or any type of emotional disturbance that could not yet be considered as an actual cause of this disease. Moreover, most men also reported they wish that they could last longer in bed. Delayed ejaculation is an opposite condition of premature ejaculation in which, ejaculation can occur in between four to eight minutes that is too a matter to look after.

Premature Ejaculation Treatment


There are four types of premature ejaculation & Premature Ejaculation Treatment–

Lifelong premature ejaculation & Premature Ejaculation Treatment– In this category of premature ejaculation, men usually ejaculate early in every intercourse. Moreover, the ejaculation remains premature throughout the life and this happens with every woman they are connecting to, in this part of disorder about eighty percent men ejaculate within 1 minute and the rest twenty percent men ejaculate within 1 to 2 minutes.

Acquired premature ejaculation & Premature Ejaculation Treatment – In this category of premature ejaculation, this happens sometimes in a man’s life. Usually, this occurs in the later life years and the men have the normal level of ejaculation experience before in his life. In addition, same as in the case of the previous category of lifelong premature ejaculation, men in this category also ejaculate within 1 to 2 minutes. Psychological, urological and thyroid problems are some basic causes of Acquired premature ejaculation.

Natural variable premature ejaculation & Premature Ejaculation Treatment – In this category of premature ejaculation, men usually have inconsistence rapid climax. Sometimes in this type, the ejaculation is shorter than usual and sometimes it is normal.

Premature – like ejaculatory dysfunction & Premature Ejaculation Treatment- In this category of premature ejaculation, men usually have it because of the self-perception or low self-esteem.  The time of ejaculation is in the normal range and sometimes more than it is expected.

Causes of premature ejaculation & Premature Ejaculation Treatment

During the sexual activity, men without premature ejaculation exactly know what they are doing and also about the feeling and emotions they are having at that moment. Moreover, they have an idea about the point when they cannot control to ejaculate and control it when it is necessary.

On the other hand, men with premature ejaculation have no idea about all above-mentioned things; they do not know when they are going to release and when they need to control their selves to last long in the bed. However, if somebody is doing sex for the first time in his life then it is natural to ejaculate early because he is usually on an emotional high and has little idea and control of what is happening and what is the actual process of it.

With the passage of time, men learn and understand to control the feeling that leads to ejaculation and try to control it naturally. Men without premature ejaculation know their level of control and the point of releasing which is completely opposite with men suffering from premature ejaculation.


Low level of serotonin can also lead you the same situation where you can no longer stay on the bed. Serotonin is the chemical in the brain, which always make you feel happier and joyful. According to the recent study, men with the low level of serotonin have hard to time to stay longer due to the increasing amount of stress and low capability to control over.

Sexual performance anxiety is also one of the other cause of premature ejaculation, which includes bad experiences, and different level of stress during the sexual activity. Moreover, lack of sex education can also lead to this situation.

Stress can also take away your power to stay long because it reduces the level of serotonin in your body that could be a bigger cause of premature ejaculation. Stress could be of any type whether it is your personal issues or financial status or relationship etc. genetic cause also comes down the line.

Premature Ejaculation Treatment

  • Antidepressant
  • Topical drugs
  • Home remedies
  • Exercises

Recent surveys show 3 out of 10 men have a problem with premature ejaculation. The rest just did not really think it was a problem.

  • Frankie Boyle

    For further details on Premature Ejaculation Treatment.

    You may reach out to

    Dr Gautam Banga

    MBBS,MS,M.Ch (Urology)
    Urologist, Andrologist and Genito -Urinary Reconstructive Surgeon
    Contact no. : +91-9999062316 | 011-41041131
    Email:- [email protected]
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