+91 9999062316  +91 9999062316 [email protected]

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Patient with peyronie’s disease can present with:

  • Well defined plaque /scar/nodule.
  • Pain while erection or during flaccid state.
  • Significant curvature during erection leading to difficulty or inability to do intercourse.
  • Erectile dysfunction.
  • Instable penis during erection

Immature Phase:

When patients develop plaque, the affected tunica albuginea first develops changes that are inflammatory. Often this area is under the skin along the top of the penis. This thickening, which may be tender to touch, is not infection of the penis and is not penile cancer, and is not sexually transmitted. This initial active phase may last over 12 months.

Mature Phase:

Eventually, the acute inflammation subsides and plaque becomes more organized, firm and well defined. At that point, any pain generally resolves. However, as the disease progresses and the scar matures and becomes denser, it is not uncommon for the bend or curvature in the penis to increase. Maturation of the plaque can be associated with a change in penile curvature as the size and elasticity of the plaque changes. Stable mature disease is characterized by a resolution of pain and no change in curvature for at least for 6 months.

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