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Penile Enlargement Surgery doctor in India

Penile Reconstruction Surgeon in India: Know More About It

Penile Reconstructive Surgery involves the construction or reconstruction of a new penis through different surgical procedures. The treatment also encompasses the artificial modifications done to the penis. Let us take an in-depth look at other details behind this procedure.

Dr. Gautam Banga – The Penile Reconstruction Surgeon in Delhi

Dr. Gautam Banga stands as a beacon of expertise in Penile Reconstructive Surgery within India’s medical landscape. Renowned for his surgical finesse and compassionate patient care, Dr. Banga has carved a niche as a pioneer in this specialized field. With a wealth of experience and a commitment to innovation, he has transformed the lives of countless individuals grappling with penile conditions, restoring not just physical function but also confidence and quality of life. Dr. Banga’s dedication to advancing surgical techniques and his holistic approach to patient well-being have earned him widespread respect and admiration, solidifying his reputation as the foremost Penile Reconstructive Surgeon in India.

Who are the Patients?

The patients for the penile reconstruction surgery in Delhi are mainly people with gender dysphoria and are looking to undergo female-to-male gender confirmation surgery. However, there is a small section of patients suffering from congenital conditions that mandate getting this surgery done. These are the people suffering from ambiguous genitalia, hypospadias, micropenis, aphalia, and epispadias. There are many accidental cases too that may require the assistance of an expert penile reconstructive surgeon in Delhi such as burn victims, car accident cases, circumcision complications, explosions, and those suffering from penile fractures caused due to sudden bending of the penis during erection.

What Happens during the Procedure?

During penile reconstructive surgery, a large section of tissue and skin is taken from another area of the body and rolled to make a shaft. This is then attached to the groin. There may be additional procedures that may accompany the same such as:

  • Removal of the female genitalia for the patients going for transgender FTM surgery
  • Extension of the urethra to help the person urinate while standing
  • Construction of the head or scrotum of the penis
  • Implantation of a device to help the person in getting erections
  • Insertion of artificial testicles into the person’s scrotum

Where does the tissue or skin come from?

The tissue flap used to make the new penis may come from either of the three regions:

  • Back
  • Thighs
  • Forearm

What are the benefits and recovery precautions of getting this surgery?

Getting penile reconstructive surgery in Delhi helps in providing emotional and physical relief to people. The procedure results in a natural-looking penis that is fully capable of achieving erections. This way, a person undergoing the gender reaffirmation surgery can achieve his desired gender identity. However, to do so, you need to take it easy and take some precautions for full recovery. This includes:

  • Limiting all kinds of physical activities for doctor-recommended period
  • Keeping your cuts and incisions dry and clean.
  • Re-application of the dressings over the surgical wounds, especially in the early recovery stages
  • Taking all the medications prescribed by the doctor for easing pain, preventing infection, and relieving constipation

Achieving a fully functional penis takes some time, especially in cases where you require multiple surgeries. Additional treatments like female genitalia removal, construction of the scrotum, and implantation of devices for erections also require a recovery period. Delhi being the capital city of India is the hub of all kinds of advanced medical procedures. There are many expert penile reconstructive surgeons based in this city who can help you in getting this procedure done. They undergo extensive training and have experience in handling all kinds of delicate procedures involving genitals. Do remember, It is crucial to choose a qualified penile implants surgeon in India for this procedure who can provide a safe and effective treatment for your problem.

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Best Urethroplasty Surgeon in India: A Comprehensive Guide

The Best Urethroplasty Surgeon in India: A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to urological issues, finding the best urethroplasty surgeon in India is crucial for ensuring the best possible care and outcomes. Urethroplasty is a surgical procedure used to repair the urethra, which can be affected by strictures, trauma, or other conditions that cause narrowing or blockage. Identifying a skilled and experienced surgeon is essential for successful treatment.

Dr. Gautam Banga is widely recognized as one of the top urethroplasty surgeons in India. With extensive experience and a stellar track record in treating complex urethral conditions, Dr. Banga has earned a reputation for his expertise and patient-centric approach. He is known for his proficiency in performing both primary and complex redo urethroplasty procedures with excellent outcomes.

As the head of the Department of Urology at a leading hospital in India, Dr. Banga has performed numerous successful urethroplasty surgeries and contributed significantly to research and advancements in the field. His commitment to incorporating the latest innovations and techniques ensures patients receive the most effective and advanced care.

Patients seeking the best urethroplasty surgeon in India can benefit from Dr. Banga’s comprehensive approach to treatment, which involves personalized care plans tailored to each individual’s unique needs. His emphasis on patient education, transparent communication, and compassionate support has garnered trust and appreciation from his patients.

Furthermore, Dr. Banga’s collaboration with a multidisciplinary team of experts, including reconstructive surgeons, urologists, and specialized nursing staff, ensures that patients receive holistic and integrated care throughout their treatment journey.

In conclusion, Dr. Gautam Banga stands out as a leading authority in the field for individuals searching for the best urethroplasty doctor in India. His expertise, commitment to excellence, and dedication to patient well-being make him a top choice for those seeking the highest standard of care for urethral reconstruction and related urological concerns.

If you have questions or need advice, you can contact him on +91-8076520744, +91-8287901617

Email [email protected] or visit SCI International Hospital, GK-1, Delhi

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Consult the Best Pediatric Urology Surgeon in India: Child Treatment for Urological Issue

Pediatric urologists are specialized surgeons with the expertise to diagnose, treat, and care for urinary and genital issues in children. If your child is dealing with a condition affecting their urinary tract (kidneys, ureters, bladder) or genitals, a pediatric urologist is qualified to provide the necessary treatment and care.

Best Pediatric Urology Surgeon in India

Dr. Gautam Banga is a highly respected pediatric urology surgeon in India, boasting over 19 years of experience. He is widely acclaimed for his exceptional surgical proficiency and empathetic patient care. Dr. Banga is recognized for his specialization in addressing pediatric urological conditions such as congenital anomalies, urinary tract obstruction, and intricate urological reconstruction procedures.

Dr. Gautam Banga is affiliated with top-tier hospitals in India that are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities for pediatric urology surgeries. He has treated hundreds of patients for complex urological conditions. His commitment to providing the highest quality of care to his young patients and their families has made him a sought-after surgeon for complex pediatric urological cases. Dr. Gautam Banga’s dedication to staying at the forefront of advancements in pediatric urology ensures that his patients receive advanced treatment options.

 Why you might need to schedule an appointment with a pediatric urologist:

– Bladder or kidney stones

– Undescended testicles

– Inflammation around the testicles

– Bedwetting in children or teens

– Recurrent urinary tract infections with high fever

– Vesico-ureteric reflux

– Neurogenic bladder

– Hypospadias

– PU junction obstruction causing hydronephrosis

With a successful track record in performing minimally invasive pediatric urological procedures, Dr. Gautam Banga has been instrumental in advancing the field of pediatric urology in the country. 

If you have questions or need advice, you can contact him on +91-8076520744, +91-8287901617 

Email [email protected]

or visit SCI International Hospital, GK-1, Delhi 

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Best Pediatric Hypospadias Surgeon in India


Best Pediatric Hypospadias Surgeon in India: A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to pediatric urological issues, finding the best pediatric hypospadias surgeon in India is crucial for ensuring the best possible care for your child. Hypospadias is a congenital condition in which the opening of the urethra is on the underside of the penis instead of at the tip. This condition requires specialized care and expertise to ensure the best possible outcomes for your child.

When searching for the best pediatric hypospadias surgeon in India, there are several important factors to consider. Look for a surgeon who has extensive experience in pediatric urology and a proven track record of successful hypospadias surgeries. It’s also important to find a surgeon who is assocaited with a reputable hospital or medical center that is well-equipped to provide comprehensive care for pediatric patients.

Additionally, consider seeking out a surgeon who is known for their compassionate and patient-centered approach to care. Pediatric patients require a special level of attention and understanding, so finding a surgeon who is skilled at working with children and their families is essential.

One such renowned pediatric hypospadias surgeon in India is Dr. Gautam Banga. With over 19 years of experience in pediatric urology and a specialization in hypospadias surgery,  he is one of the best urologists and urologists, Urethra & a Penile Reconstructive Surgeon. Dr. Banga is widely recognized for his expertise and dedication to providing the highest quality care for young patients. Dr. Banga is associated with SCI Hospital in Greater Kailash, also known as the leading pediatric urology center known for its state-of-the-art facilities and patient-focused approach.

If you have questions or need advice regarding pediatric hypospadias surgery, contact Dr. GautamBanga at +91-8076520744, +91-8287901617, or [email protected]. Schdeule an appointment to discuss your child’s needs and treatment options.

Finding the best hypospadias surgeon in India is crucial in ensuring the best possible care for your child. By choosing experienced surgeon who is dedicated to providing compassionate and comprehensive care, you can feel assured that your child will receive the best treatment for this condition.

If you have questions or need advice, you can contact him on +91-8076520744, +91-8287901617

Email [email protected] or visit SCI International Hospital, GK-1, Delhi

See this also:

Best Hypospadias Surgeon in Delhi NCR

Best Hypospadias Treatment in Delhi


Best Hypospadias Surgeon in Delhi, India

Hypospadias is a relatively common genital abnormality that affects approximately one in every 250 male newborns. In this condition, the opening of the urethra (where urine exits the body) is located on the underside of the penis instead of at the tip. This can cause difficulties with urination and sexual function, and may also have psychological effects on affected individuals. In this article, we will explore the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options for hypospadias in more detail.

Causes of Hypospadias

The exact causes of hypospadias are not fully understood, but it is thought to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Studies have shown that certain environmental factors, such as exposure to certain chemicals during fetal development, may increase the risk of hypospadias. These chemicals include phthalates and bisphenol A (BPA), which are commonly found in plastics and other household products.

Other risk factors for hypospadias include a family history of the condition, maternal age (particularly over the age of 35), and certain medications taken during pregnancy, such as some anti-seizure medications and hormone treatments. There is also some evidence to suggest that low birth weight and premature birth may increase the risk of hypospadias.

Symptoms of Hypospadias

The most obvious symptom of hypospadias is the abnormal placement of the urethral opening on the underside of the penis. In some cases, the opening may be located near the scrotum, while in others it may be farther up the shaft of the penis. Other symptoms may include a curved or bent penis, difficulty urinating, and spraying of urine during urination.

In more severe cases, hypospadias may also be associated with other abnormalities, such as undescended testicles or a hooded appearance of the foreskin.

Diagnosis of Hypospadias

Hypospadias is usually diagnosed shortly after birth during a physical exam. The doctor will examine the penis to determine the location of the urethral opening and whether there are any other abnormalities present. In some cases, additional tests may be done to evaluate the severity of the condition and determine if there are any associated abnormalities, such as undescended testicles.

In some cases, doctors may use imaging tests, such as an ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), to get a clearer picture of the urinary tract and determine the best course of treatment.

Treatment of Hypospadias

The treatment for hypospadias depends on the severity of the condition. In some cases, the abnormality may not require treatment, especially if it is mild and not causing any problems with urination or sexual function. However, in most cases, surgery is required to correct the abnormality.

Surgical treatment for hypospadias typically involves reconstructing the urethra and moving the urethral opening to the tip of the penis. This procedure, known as urethroplasty, is usually performed when the child is between 6 and 12 months old. In some cases, additional surgeries may be required to correct any curvature or other abnormalities of the penis.

The surgical procedure for hypospadias is typically safe and effective, with a high success rate in correcting the abnormality. However, as with any surgery, there is a risk of complications, such as bleeding, infection, or scarring.

Complications of Hypospadias

Untreated or improperly treated hypospadias can lead to a variety of complications, including urinary tract infections, difficulty with urination, and sexual dysfunction later in life. In addition, some children with hypospadias may experience psychological issues

Surgical Treatment for Hypospadias

The surgical treatment of hypospadias depends on the severity of the condition. In some cases, the abnormality may not require treatment, especially if it is mild and not causing any problems with urination or sexual function. However, in most cases, surgery is required to correct the abnormality.

Surgical treatment for hypospadias typically involves reconstructing the urethra and moving the urethral opening to the tip of the penis. This procedure, known as urethroplasty, is usually performed when the child is between 6 and 12 months old.

The surgery involves creating a new urethral opening in the correct location and closing the original opening. The surgeon may also need to create a flap of tissue to help reconstruct the urethra. The surgery is typically done under general anesthesia and takes about two to three hours to complete.

After the surgery, the child will need to wear a protective dressing on the penis for about a week. The dressing will help protect the surgical site and prevent infection. The child may also need to use a catheter to help drain urine from the bladder for a few days after surgery.

Complications of Hypospadias Surgery

As with any surgery, there are risks and potential complications associated with hypospadias surgery. These can include bleeding, infection, problems with wound healing, and complications related to anesthesia. However, the risks of surgery are generally low, and most children recover well with few complications.

In some cases, additional surgeries may be required to correct any curvature or other abnormalities of the penis. These surgeries may be performed when the child is older, usually between the ages of three and six years old.

Long-term Outlook for Children with Hypospadias

Most children with hypospadias who receive proper treatment go on to have normal urinary and sexual function. However, some children may experience complications related to their condition, such as urinary tract infections, difficulty with urination, and sexual dysfunction later in life.

In addition, some children with hypospadias may experience psychological issues related to their genital abnormality, such as low self-esteem or depression. Parents can help by being supportive and encouraging their child to ask questions and express their feelings. It’s also helpful to connect with other families who have children with hypospadias, either in person or through online support groups.

Prevention of Hypospadias

Because the exact cause of hypospadias is not known, it can be difficult to prevent. However, there are some steps that may help reduce the risk of hypospadias.

Avoiding exposure to chemicals known to increase the risk of hypospadias, such as phthalates and BPA, during pregnancy may help reduce the risk. These chemicals are commonly found in plastics, food packaging, and personal care products.

In addition, women who are planning to become pregnant should talk to their doctor about any medications they are taking and whether they may increase the risk of hypospadias. Some medications, such as anti-seizure medications and some antibiotics, have been associated with an increased risk of hypospadias.


Hypospadias is a common genital abnormality that can have significant physical and psychological effects if left untreated. However, with proper diagnosis and treatment, most cases of hypospadias can be successfully corrected. If you suspect that your child may have hypospadias, it’s important to talk to their doctor as soon as possible to discuss treatment options.

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Understanding Urethral Stricture: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Understanding Urethral Stricture: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options.

Urethral stricture is a condition in which the urethra, the tube that carries urine out of the body, becomes narrowed or blocked. This can cause difficulty urinating, pain or discomfort, and in severe cases, complete blockage of urine flow. 


Urethral stricture can cause a variety of symptoms depending on its severity. Some common symptoms include 

  • difficulty or pain while urinating
  • decreased urine flow
  • urinary tract infections
  • blood in the urine
  • a frequent need to urinate. 

In severe cases, a complete blockage of the urethra can occur, leading to acute urinary retention and potential kidney damage.


There are a variety of treatment options available for urethral stricture, depending on the severity of the condition. Mild cases may be managed with medications, such as alpha blockers or topical steroids, or with periodic dilation of the urethra. More severe cases may require surgical intervention.

One common surgical procedure for urethral stricture is urethrotomy, in which a small incision is made in the narrowed area of the urethra to widen the opening. Another option is urethroplasty, a more extensive surgery in which the affected portion of the urethra is removed and replaced with healthy tissue.

Recovery time and outcomes vary depending on the treatment method used and the individual case. Anyone experiencing symptoms of urethral stricture should seek medical attention promptly to prevent complications and ensure the best possible outcome.

Here are some frequently asked questions about urethral stricture:

Q: What causes urethral stricture?

A: Urethral stricture can be caused by a variety of factors, including injury, infection, surgery, and radiation therapy. In some cases, the cause may be unknown.

Q: What are the symptoms of urethral stricture?

A: Symptoms of urethral stricture can include difficulty urinating, weak urine flow, frequent urination, pain or discomfort during urination, and urinary tract infections.

Q: How is urethral stricture diagnosed?

A: Diagnosis of urethral stricture typically involves a physical exam, medical history review, and imaging tests such as a urethrogram or cystoscopy.

Q: Is urethral stricture treatable?

A: Yes, there are a variety of treatment options available for urethral stricture, ranging from medications to surgical intervention. The appropriate treatment will depend on the severity of the condition.

Q: What is the recovery time for urethral stricture treatment?

A: Recovery time varies depending on the treatment method used and the individual case. Mild cases may require little to no recovery time, while more extensive surgeries may require several weeks of recovery.

Q: Can urethral stricture recur after treatment?

A: Yes, in some cases urethral stricture can recur after treatment. Follow-up care and monitoring are important to detect and address any recurrence of the condition.

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Peyronie disease treatment in delhi

How is Dr. GAUTAM BANGA the Best Peyronie’s Disease Treatment Doctor in India

Best Peyronie’s Disease Doctor in Delhi

Peyronie’s disease is a medical condition that is characterized by the development of fibrous scar tissue inside the penis. This often causes pain, curvature, or erectile dysfunction in men. Delhi is the hub of medical excellence with specialized treatment options for addressing Peyronnie’s disease effectively. This article delves into the key aspects of peyronie’s disease treatment in delhi while highlighting the techniques, expertise and advancements in care.

Understanding the disease

Peyronie’s disease mainly affects the connective tissue of penis which then leads to plaque or scar tissue formation. This often results in penile curvature, pain during erections and difficulty in maintaining or achieving sexual satisfaction. There are specialized peyronie’s disease doctor in Delhi like Dr Gautam Banga who specialize in male sexual health and offer personalized treatment and comprehensive evaluation to handle the unique needs of this disease patients.

Treatment Options available

There are two types of Peyronie’s disease treatment in Delhi that one can avail of:

  • Non-Surgical Approach: Depending upon the severity of the disease, patients may be prescribed topical treatments or oral medications that are aimed to reduce the pain, plaque formation, or inflammation. Several specialized devices may also be recommended by Peyronie’s disease doctor in Delhi to gently stretch the penile tissue and reduce the curvature over a while. This is known as penile traction therapy. Another often prescribed Peyronie’s disease medical procedure in Delhi involves giving intralesional injections such as verapamil or collagenase. They are administered directly into the plaque to break down the scar tissue and improve the penile curvature.
  • Surgical Intervention: In several cases where a person suffers from mild to moderate curvature, urologists may perform penile plication surgery. This Peyronie’s disease surgery in Delhi removes or repositions the excess tissue and straightens the penis. For other severe cases, other surgical techniques may be involved for the grafting of the tissue for reconstructing the penis and restoring full function. However, there are some cases where Peyronie’s disease coexists with erectile dysfunction. In such cases, the only successful Peyronie’s disease medical procedure in Delhi is to get penile implants which helps in addressing both issues.

Expertise and advancements in Delhi

Delhi is home to some of the most experienced and best Peyronie’s disease doctor in Delhi like Dr Gautam Banga with clinics equipped with advanced treatment modalities and diagnostic tools. Cutting-edge technology is employed by the experts like ultrasound imaging, doppler studies, and minimally invasive procedures for an effective diagnosis and management of this disease. The patient-centered approach and emphasis on holistic care help in optimizing the outcomes and improving the quality of life for the patients. With a multidisciplinary approach that encompasses a range of conservative and surgical procedures, Delhi offers a conducive environment for people suffering from Peyronie’s disease so that they can regain penile health and enhance their overall well-being. 

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Hypospadias: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment Options in Delhi, India

Hypospadias is a condition where the opening of the urethra is not at the tip of the penis but on the underside. It’s a common birth defect that affects around 1 in every 200 boys. The good news is that it’s treatable with surgery. If you or your child has been diagnosed with hypospadias, you may have questions about the condition, its treatment, and what to expect. This article will cover everything you need about hypospadias, including its causes, symptoms, treatment options, and more.

What causes hypospadias?

The exact cause of hypospadias is not known, but it’s believed to be related to hormonal imbalances during fetal development. Family history, premature birth, and exposure to certain chemicals and medications during pregnancy are some of the risk factors. 

What are the symptoms of hypospadias?

The most common symptom of hypospadias is a urethral opening that is not at the tip of the penis. Other symptoms may include difficulty urinating, spraying of urine, and curvature of the penis.

Diuagnois of  hypospadias 

Hypospadias is diagnosed with a physical exam. Additional tests, such as an ultrasound or voiding cystourethrogram, may be required to determine the stage of the condition and the treatment options. Get the best hypospadias surgery in Delhi.

What are the treatment options for hypospadias?

The primary treatment for hypospadias is surgery. Thesurgery aims to reposition the opening of the urethra to the tip of the penis and reconstruct the surrounding tissue to create a normal-looking penis. The type of surgery needed will depend on the severity of the condition. Dr. Gautam Banga is Best Hypospadias Surgeon in Delhi, India.

Hypospadias Treatment in Delhi:

If you’re looking for hypospadias treatment in Delhi, several options are available. Dr. Gautam Banga is one of the renowned reconstructive and microsurgeons. He is an Expert Reconstructive Urologist with expertise in Urethra and Penile Reconstructive Surgery, Cosmetic Urology (Curvature Correction and Penile Augmentation) and Erectile Dysfunction.

Hypospadias Surgery:

Hypospadias surgery is a complex procedure that needs excellent expertise; it is advisable to consult an experienced surgeon for your treatment. The surgery is typically done under general anesthesia and may take 2-3 hours; after surgery, patients may need to wear a catheter for a short period.


Q. Is hypospadias curable?

Ans. Yes, hypospadias is curable with surgery.

Q. What is the success rate of hypospadias surgery?

Ans. The success rate of hypospadias surgery depends on theseverity of the condition and the surgeon’s skill. The success rate isgenerally high, but there is a risk of complications.

Q. What is the recovery time after hypospadias surgery?

Ans. The recovery time after hypospadias surgery variesdepending on the individual and the type of surgery performed. In general, patients can expect to take a few weeks off from school or work and may need to avoid strenuous activity for several weeks.


In conclusion, hypospadias is a treatable condition that can be corrected with surgery. If you or your child has been diagnosed with hypospadias, it’s essential to seek treatment from a skilled and experienced surgeon. You can expect a normal, healthy life after the treatment.


Peyronie’s Disease treatment in Delhi

Penile Implant Surgeon in Delhi

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Dr.Gautam Banga

Top Penile Implant Doctor in Delhi NCR |100% Success

Penile Implant Specialist in Delhi NCR Ensures 100% Success

Penile implants refer to the devices that are placed inside the penis. It is not about getting a new penis. The purpose of a penile implant is to allow men suffering from erectile dysfunction or any other disease similar to it to have an erection while having sex. This procedure has gained significant popularity in recent years due to its ability to offer renewed confidence and a better quality of life to men. Delhi has quickly emerged as the leading destination for this procedure due to the availability of the best penile implant surgeon in Delhi. This article explores some of the key aspects of penile implant surgery in Delhi including the benefits and expertise available in the city.

Penile Implant Doctor in Delhi NCR Achieves Unparalleled Success Rates

Penile implant surgery involves the insertion of flexible rods into the penis.  There are two types of implants that one can choose from depending upon their doctor’s advice- inflatable implants and semirigid rods. In Delhi, doctors utilize state-of-the-art techniques and use the best penile implant in Delhi that are tailored to meet the individual needs of a patient. The procedure is performed under anesthesia to ensure maximum patient comfort during the same. With meticulous attention to precision and detail, Dr Gautam Banga ensures optimal patient satisfaction and outcomes.

Benefits of Penile Implant Surgeries

There are numerous benefits offered by the best penile implant surgery in Delhi for men struggling with Erectile disorders. Some of these are as follows:

  • Improved sexual function: With the help of penile implants, one can get reliable and spontaneous erections. This helps in restoring intimacy and natural sexual function.
  • Enhanced confidence: The penile implant surgery in Delhi allows a person to regain confidence in their relationships and sexual abilities by effectively addressing the problem of erectile dysfunction.
  • Long lasting: Unlike other temporary ED treatments and medications, penile implants provide a durable solution for consistent sexual performance.
  • Minimal recovery time: By getting the best penile surgery in Delhi, one is assured of getting the best surgical techniques for their procedure. This allows the patient to resume their normal activities

Expert Penile Implant Surgeon in Delhi NCR Gets 100% Success

Delhi boasts of being the center of technological advancements in India in terms of medical equipment and doctors. Experts like Dr Gautam Banga have undergone extensive training and possess vast experience performing complex urological procedures. Patients can expect a comprehensive pre-operative evaluation, personalized care, and ample post-operative support to ensure optimal outcomes and patient satisfaction. Penile Implant Surgery in Delhi offers men suffering from erectile dysfunction a chance to reclaim their confidence and sexual health. By seeking treatment from an experienced and best penile implant doctor in Delhi, patients are assured of enhanced quality of life and restored sexual function.

Cure Hypospadias with successful

It is entirely possible to cure Hypospadias with successful surgery and better treatment


The problem of hypospadias arises with the opening of the urethra located below the male penis. Do not consider such a problem during intercourse or urination as a common problem. It could be hypospadias and it is completely treatable today.

The problem of hypospadias in male babies is quite common, which can be corrected through simple surgery. Pediatricians today have been able to eliminate this merge from the root. Hypospadias is a congenital condition that occurs in one in 200 babies. In this, the urethra (flesh) is on the underside of the penis instead of the tip (glands). In such a situation, the specific form of the penis is restored by doing its surgery and every problem related to urination and reproduction is also solved.

Types of Hypospadias:

Subcoronal: This is a common problem that occurs near the tip of the penis.

Midshaft: The opening of the urethra is located along the shaft of the penis.

Penoscrotal: Its opening is visible in the penis and scrotum.

This serious and rare condition of the perineal (hypospadias) occurs behind the scrotum.


Opening of the urethra at a location other than the tip of a penis.
Penis curvature downwards. Spraying all around while urinating.
The hooded appearance of the penis because only the top half of the penis is covered by foreskin.
Slight displacement in the opening of the urethra.
Disorder in urination or any other type of problem.
Difficulty in ejaculation or abnormal form of a penis.

Dr.Gautam Banga

Consultant Andrologist and Genito-Urinary Reconstructive Surgeon

Get in Touch with a Doctor Immediately:

In most infants, hypospadias can be diagnosed soon after birth. In this case, mild cases of hypospadias can be treated immediately, such as a slight dislocation of the urethral opening. In such a situation, it becomes important for parents to consult to doctor immediately if there is any doubt or concern about the child's penis or if there is any problem with urination.

Causes of hypospadias:

The circulatory system of the male reproductive system is monitored by special hormones. These hormones keep the urethra and the front part of the penis sensitive. Hypospadias is a birth defect that is believed to be the result of hormonal imbalance. In such a situation, experts also believe that this problem can also arise due to genetic and environmental reasons. May be seen in infants if there is a family history of it. Talking about research, it has been revealed in many types of research that women above 35 years of age are at risk of giving birth to boys with hypospadias. At the same time, if the mother comes in contact with any hormones, pesticides or chemicals, etc. during pregnancy, then such problems can also come to the fore.