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Microsurgical spermatic cord denervation

We at SCI hospital provide microsurgical spermatic cord denervation treatment solutions for the
patients who fail to get relief from chronic testicular pain even after trying for conservative
treatments. The main objective behind the mentioned spermatic cord treatment is to divide each
of the nerve fibers, autonomic and somatic cords traveling with spermatic cords.

Procedure Involved in the Treatment

  • To start with the procedure of microsurgical spermatic cord denervation, Urologist uses
    an operating microscope to perform incision i.e. subinguinal varicocelectomy at the
    external inguinal ring level.
  • As inguinal nerve exits the inguinal ring present at the external area and divides, it is
    identifiable easily.
  • Later on, the spermatic cord on Penrose drain is elevated and microsurgical
    varicoelectomy procedure is performed in a regular way.
  • In the final step, Urologist transects cremasteric and fascial fibers. In this way, vassal
    vessels, vas deferens and testicular arteries, along with lymphatic channels remain in
    intact condition.
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