It is entirely possible to cure Hypospadias with successful surgery and better treatment

The problem of hypospadias arises with the opening of the urethra located below the male penis. Do not consider such a problem during intercourse or urination as a common problem. It could be hypospadias and it is completely treatable today.
The problem of hypospadias in male babies is quite common, which can be corrected through simple surgery. Pediatricians today have been able to eliminate this merge from the root. Hypospadias is a congenital condition that occurs in one in 200 babies. In this, the urethra (flesh) is on the underside of the penis instead of the tip (glands). In such a situation, the specific form of the penis is restored by doing its surgery and every problem related to urination and reproduction is also solved.
Types of Hypospadias:
Subcoronal: This is a common problem that occurs near the tip of the penis.
Midshaft: The opening of the urethra is located along the shaft of the penis.
Penoscrotal: Its opening is visible in the penis and scrotum.
This serious and rare condition of the perineal (hypospadias) occurs behind the scrotum.
Opening of the urethra at a location other than the tip of a penis.
Penis curvature downwards.
Spraying all around while urinating.
The hooded appearance of the penis because only the top half of the penis is covered by foreskin.
Slight displacement in the opening of the urethra.
Disorder in urination or any other type of problem.
Difficulty in ejaculation or abnormal form of a penis.