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Peyronie’s disease is a disorder of the penis characterized by scarring or nodule on penile shaft leading to penile pain, penile curvature and erectile dysfunction. This is an acquired condition. Men who develop this disorder notice a bent penis during erection or pain during erections. Penile curvature develops gradually. Peyronie’s initially present with pain even during flaccid state. In addition to penile curvature, the disease can also be associated with decrease in the quality and/or duration of erections (erectile dysfunction). Peyronie’s disease is named after Francois de La Peyronie who described the acquired penile curvature characteristic of the disease in 1743.

Many patients with this disease are not very familiar with their condition. They think this is a rare disease that is incurable and they have to live with erectile dysfunction and pain.

If you have a penile curvature (Bent) or suffering for peyronie’s disease this website will provide you complete information regarding the disease and help you understand the treatment options available.


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